So you’ve been coming to the gym for a while now, how do you know if its benefiting you?
Many people will focus their attention on the scales, have they lost weight? Whilst there’s nothing wrong with this goal, people can become fixated on the number on the scale. If it stops going down, people can become discouraged. That’s why we suggest that you focus on other measures in addition to the scales.
Your body shape may be changing, its always a good idea to take photos when you first join, and then take regular progress pictures. Your clothes may also feel looser, and your waist shrinking. The scales may not be moving because you are building muscle as you lose fat, and muscle weighs more than fat!
Are you tracking your workouts? Can you lift more weight now than when you first joined. Progressive overload is required to get results, keep a record of how much you are lifting so you can track the improvement. The same goes for cardiovascular exercise, can you run, row or walk further, or faster, does it feel easier now?
It’s not just about what happens in the gym. Do you now have more energy? Can you play with the kids without getting out of breath? Exercise can also benefit your mental health. Do you have a more positive outlook on life? Improved self-confidence? Better sleep?
Then there’s the numerous health benefits. The NHS states that exercise ‘can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.’ (
Keep at it, there are no downsides to being fit and healthy! Just remember that the scales aren’t the only measure of success.